Unity of Savannah
Center for Spiritual Awakening

Unity of Savannah

We connect through the energy of Joy and Oneness.

We embrace a positive, loving, and uplifting approach to spirituality.

We are an inclusive spiritual community.

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Upcoming Events

Mindfulness Study and Discussion

A experiential book study and discussion on the science of mindfulness using the book “Mindfulness for Dummies” by Shamash Alidina.


Sunday Services

Each Sunday we offer a 30 minute Meditation Service at 9:00 am, and a 75 minute Celebration Service at 11:00 am.


A Course in Miracles

Small group discussion on ACIM every Sunday morning at 9:45 am.

A Very Special Sunday with Jules, Julian, Josh, and Mavis

A Powerful Message, Guided Meditation, and Workshop from Jules de Jesus Fritz, plus Book Signings and Inspiring Testimonies from Mavis Stevens and Julian Fritz. Bring a vegetarian dish to share for the Potluck Meal.

You Are the Sky: a Workshop with Jules de Jesús Fritz

In this workshop with Wellness Coach Jules de Jesús Fritz you’ll learn helpful life skills about emotional regulation and what to do with big feelings. Learn practical steps, breathwork and movement techniques you can use in your daily life.

Donate to Unity of Savannah

How Unity Supports the LGBTQIA+ Community

How Unity Teachings Support Racial Equality

Recovery Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous

The “Design for Living” AA group meets in the Fellowship Hall every Monday evening from 8:00 – 9:00 PM.

The “All in One” AA group meets in the Fellowship Hall every Thursday evening from 7:30 – 8:30 PM.

Recovery Dharma

The Recovery Dharma group meets in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00PM.

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